Friday, November 18, 2011

Final for Assignment 1

Name: Cham Yang Hui

ID: 1102701419
Title: Time Waits For No One

Artist Statement: I use clock as my subject matter is because time is very punctual. Every second every minute every hour also very equal. No cheating. So if you wasted your time, time gone means gone. Even you turn back to the time you want, you just lie on yourself. So I have think of a phrase to represent the expression and emotion for time is punctual which is Time Waits For No One.  

Artwork treatment: I choose to do digital image as one of my final artwork and I used Adobe Photoshop to draw, Adobe Illustrator to resize on the template which given by lecture for this assignment 1.

Name: Cham Yang Hui

ID: 1102701419
Title: I Never Take Leave

Artist Statement: I use table fan as my another subject matter is because we use fan most of the time. From our parents generation until now we are still using table fan. And as we are at home or in the room, table fan is always on most of the time. It's off only when we go out. So the expression and emotion for the table fan that I want to express is hardworking. And the phrase for it is Never Take Leave. Besides that, I have choose to take photograph for this artwork because i feel that photograph has its soul in there. 

Artwork treatment: I have choose to take photograph as one of the final artwork and I used Adobe Photoshop to edit, Adobe Illustrator to resize on the template which given by lecture for this assignment 1.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Development Idea and sketches: Another subject matter, Clock

The presentation wasn't good because i just have one artwork instead of two.
But now i have done both of the artwork. (yay!)
Because of my sketches is draw by imagination, references from internet, and also friend's house's clock.
So i couldn't do exactly the same thing like the table fan which just shooting on it to get a good photographs.
So this time i choose to use table to draw it out~!

this is my sketch.

then roughly define the shape of figure,
then simply identify the different region of figure.
(draw it out by using tablet in Adobe Photoshop) 

After that edit the place which should be tiny, straight, or slightly thick.
Actually i have draw again and again. But this time is better comparing to last semester as digital imaging art got use table to draw for the final. I'm getting know how to use it now. And got ask for improvement from senior and friends. Then for the interactive part, i draw an arrow which something have the connection with the font.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Development Idea and sketches: Table fan

After the presentation, i edited the interactive button again which just added a little image after the phrase of "I Never Take Leave." I have tried to draw a big one which i think it is annoying and it just spoil the artwork. So after i tried and tried, i just draw a small one right after the phrase.



Monday, November 14, 2011

Development of Ideas and Sketches

After choosing the 2 subject matters. The next step is to develop the ideas and do the sketches.

the sketches of the clock.

the sketches of the table fan.
After i went to consult from Mr. Bad, he suggested that the table fan doesn't meant have to be the whole fan, even just a small part of it, people already know " that is a fan ". Another one, the clock, he prefer the zoom in one. The sketches i just draw based on my imaginations, references from internet or even friend's house's clock.

Here are the photos that i shoot for the table fan and i have picked some for consultation..




After consultation, i choose picture 02. And i still working on the interactive for the screen design. 
Although i just bold the word of never in the phrase of I NEVER TAKE LEAVE. But i don't it's strong enough. I will change it again.

*Yet the clock still in the progress.... >_<*

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Definition of Semiotics and Semantic

Semiotics, is the study of signs and sign processes, indication, designation, likeness, analogy, metaphor, signification and communication. Semiotics is closely related to the field of linguistics, which, for its part, studies the structure and meaning of language more specifically. Semiotics is often divided into three branches:
- Semantics: Relation between signs and the things to which they refer; their denotata, or meaning.
- Syntactics: Relations among signs in formal structures
- Pragmatics: Relation between signs and the effects they have on the people who use them

Syntactics is the branch of semiotics that deals with the formal properties of signs and symbols. More precisely, syntactics deals with the "rules that govern how words are combined to form phrases and sentences." Charles Morris adds that semantics deals with the relation of signs to their designata and the objects which they may or do denote; and, pragmatics deals with the biotic aspects of semiosis, that is, with all the psychological, biological, and sociological phenomena which occur in the functioning of signs.

Semantic, is the study of meaning. It focuses on the relation between signifier, such as words, phrases, signs and symbols, and what they stand for, their denotata.

Linguistic semantics is the study of meaning that is used by humans to express themselves through language. Other forms of semantics include the semantics of programming languages, formal logics, and semiotics.

The word "semantics" itself denotes a range of ideas, from the popular to the highly technical. It is often used in ordinary language to denote a problem of understanding that comes down to word selection or connotation. This problem of understanding has been the subject of many formal inquiries, over a long period of time, most notably in the field of formal semantics. In linguistics, it is the study of interpretation of signs or symbols as used by agents or communities within particular circumstances and contexts. Within this view, sounds, facial expressions, body language, and proxemics have semantic (meaningful) content, and each has several branches of study. In written language, such things as paragraph structure and punctuation have semantic content; in other forms of language, there is other semantic content.

Semantics contrasts with syntax, the study of the combinatorics of units of a language (without reference to their meaning), and pragmatics, the study of the relationships between the symbols of a language, their meaning, and the users of the language.

Exercise from class

We are asked to draw 10 subject matters.
From the subject matters that we draw, we need to express it's emotions and expressions.
Then only choose 2 subject matters to proceed our assignment 1.
Here goes to my subject matters...

I drew puzzle, key, high heels, fan, flats, emotional photo, clock, jeans, hula hop and camera.
After consultation, i decided to choose table fan and clock to be my subject matters for my assignment 1.
The emotion and expression of table fan is hardworking and the clock is punctuality.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Assignment 1 Brief

Media Art Design 2: MMA1123
Assignment 01 (30%)

This is an individual project. You are a creative person! Think visually!
Students are required to created two conceptual screen based artworks to provoke / stimulate their target audience emotions.
Both screen design should integrate the appropriate use of visual language and typographic meaning.

Stage01 - branstorming
Stage02 - research & facts finding
Stage03 - initial ideation and conceptualization
Stage04 - project brief
Stage05 - idea developments and process
Stage06 - screen design intergration process
Stage07 - precedence studies
Stage07 - two finalized ideas

-          To understand and explain the psychological interpretations using visual arts.
-          To communicate and produce screen based visual communication using word and image effectively.

Evaluation criteria:
-          Research documentation: 5%
-          Creativity, idea development and sketches of ideas: 15%
-          Final Artworks: 10%

Submission Format:
01 Two printed final artworks mounted on foam boards (Your name, id, artwork description printed at the back). Template will be provided.
02 A4 Sketches (landscape format): Idea development and sketches
-          Digital copy of both artworks
-          Digital Research documentation
-          Your Name, id, artwork description + blog links (MS word)
04 Blog

Assignment Submission: WEEK 05 (might be change)