Saturday, January 14, 2012

Final design

After consultation on monday, i have to redo again based on my design isn't good.
here goes to my new design:

Name: Cham Yang Hui
ID: 1102701419
Title: Aura of Nature

Artist Statement: I choose Aura of Nature as my final project is because I spent more time to create it in assignment 2 and I would like to spread out the message that kite hasn't exist yet. People are just getting forget about it. Actually it is very fun. And I use kite to represent the outdoor games. As nowadays people can't leave without technologies. People feel outdated if they didn't follow up the steps. But as people keep updated, they have forgotten about the previous things they played during their childhood and share with the youngsters nowadays. And kite is the thing which can fly very high control by yourself and you can feel the excitement. You imagine your heart is in the sky, you are the kite flying in the sky, greeting with the birds. And playing kite must have at least 2 person. So you will not feel lonely while playing kite yet bond with each other. Besides that, it must be played in the open air place, normally is play on the field. So it is near with the nature. 

concept board

main menu

content page

gallery page

concept page

Artist Treatment: I used Adobe Photoshop to crop and do the arrangement with the composition of the requirement from the lecture and Adobe Flash to do the interactive part.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Development of Idea

After mr.bad brieved the final project, i prefer to choose the Aura of Nature to be final project interative application since i spent more time on doing the screen design comparing to the 2nd artwork. For this interactive application, 3 submenus are content, concept and gallery.

I have done a sample of the screen design (haven't do in flash for the actionscript) and emailed for consultation. Yet bad comments i got. So i have done another one of design and need to present on tomorrow! It's done with actionscript!

this is the previous one:



home page

Will update again after the presentation tomorrow! :)

Here goes to the poster:

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Final Project Brief

Media Art Design 2: MMA1123
Final Project (40%)

This is an individual project.
... Based on Assignment 02. Students are required to choose one of the ideas to be develop
into interactive application. The interactive application MUST have minumum of four pages.
(main menu, 2 subsections and a concept page) Students should apply their knowledge of
what they have learn through out their beta level (Media Art Design classes)

Students are free to select any content(topic) for their interactive application.
Please do not forget that your interactive application should carry expressive and provocative visual.

- To demonstrate an understanding of visual communication
- To practice effective visual layout design and create functional graphic user interface
- To apply creative association of technology, technique, tools and applications to produce digital media artwork practically.

Evaluation criteria:
- Overall interactive application concept: 15%
- Creativity, idea development and sketches of ideas: 20%
- Concept Artworks: 5%

Submission Format:
01 One A4 printed concept board mounted on foam board (Your name, id, artwork description printed at the back).
02 A4 Sketches (landscape format): Please compile all your assignments sketches and idea developments (01, 02 + final project)
- An Interactive application
- Digital copy of ALL working files for all assignments and project.
- Digital Research documentation for ALL assingments and project.
- Your Name, id, artwork description + blog links (MS word)
04 Blog

Assignment Submission: WEEK 14
Lecturer: Badrolhisham Hashim

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Assignment 2: Final Artworks

Name: Cham Yang Hui
ID: 1102701419
Title: Aura of Nature

Artist Statement: I choose kite is because i feel that people are getting forget about it. Actually it is very fun. As nowadays people can't leave without technologies. People feel outdated if they didn't follow up the steps. But as people keep updated, they have forgotten about the previous things they played during their childhood and share with the youngsters nowadays. And kite is the thing which can fly very high control by yourself and you can feel the excitement. You imagine your heart is in the sky, you are the kite flying in the sky, greeting with the birds. And playing kite must have a least 2 person. So you will not feel lonely while playing kite. Besides that, it must be played in the open air place, normally is play on the field. So it is near with the nature. 

Artist Treatment: I have choose to do digital image as one of my artwork and I used the digital image from the previous semester's artwork and used Adobe Photoshop to crop and do the arrangement with the composition of the requirement from the lecture and Adobe Illustrator to resize on the template which given by the lecture.

Name: Cham Yang Hui
ID: 1102701419
Title: Save!

Artist Statement: I choose bicycle is because i like to cycle and feel the wind when i'm cycling. But as what i saw in this generation, people seldom cycle. They prefer car with air condition. As we cycle, we actually feel relaxing, calm, looking around where you cycled and it is faster than walking. Cycling you can save petrol, save space because it is just a slim transportation comparing with cars and others, free parking, save money, and the most important, save earth! It has no pollution.

Artist Treatment: I have choose to take photograph as one of the final artwork and I used Adobe Photoshop to edit and add the requirement from the lecture, Adobe Illustrator to resize on the template which given by the lecture.

Development of ideas and sketches

For this assignment, my idea is i would like to send out the message about the different between 20th century and 19's century. After consulted from Mr.Bad, my subject matters of bicycle and kite have been proved. I choose these 2 subject matters is because these 2 subjects are part of my childhood when i was young. During that time, technologies haven't been developed like now yet. So children mostly play at outdoor comparing with now generation's children. Actually i feel sad to those children who is just always playing with those smart phones, Ipad, computers, life cannot leave without internet and many other technologies thingy and just seldom have outdoor games playing around with the neighbourhood and friends. The thing i saw is the generation changed. So i would like to remind the people, kite and bicycle haven't extinct yet. We are just forget them. If we share to the youngsters, i think that they will like the nature more. If they like the technologies more, i think maybe is because they have been indoctrinated from the beginning.

For the design of the kite, my reference is from John Maeda's artwork, the sunflower.

The design of the bicycle, i take the concept of David Em, create artwork with pixels. So before proceed the artwork, i have sketch some of the angel of the bicycle and i took photograph on it. 

Also, there are some references of the screen design and the submenus:


screen design

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Stage 01- Research and Summary

The new media artists i found are John Maeda and David Em.

Summary of John Maeda
John Maeda is an artist and a computer scientist, and he views the computer not as a substitute for brush and paint but as an artistic medium  in its own right. His mission is to foster the growth of what he calls "humanist technologists". John Maeda usually work on his designs and projects on airplanes or in a coffee shop, where he can be alone and think. He would like to design things for children. He works himself, he sort of sit and stew and his time is very limited. He always try to keep changing his style. He doesn't like to be labeled as a certain style. His motto is renew.

Summary of David Em
He is one of the first artist to make art with pixels. Em's art is difficult to categorize. His work spans multiple media, including all-electronic virtual worlds, film making, photography, and printmaking. He has also worked with live performance and theater. Most of his work exists outside of the mainstream art world. He says he "makes pictures with electronic light" and "sculpts with memory instead of space." He also "evolves images so that they grow into and out of each other".

** John Maeda inspired me by he designs things for children and he keep changing his style. Yet David Em inspired me by he is one of the artist to make art with pixels.


Assignment 2 Brief

Media Art Design 2: MMA1123
Assignment 02 (30%)

STAGE 01: This is an individual project. Students are required to conduct research about digital multimedia artist.
Based on research and findings, student need to select TWO media artist that inspired them.
Write a summary for each artist which conclude artist’s philosophy towards his/her style of work,
including their digital artwork concepts, expression and emotions.

STAGE02: Based on their two summaries, students are required to create TWO screen design
that represent their selected artists concepts, approach and directions.
Both screen design should carry expressive and provocative meanings to stimulate user s mind.
Screen design must include: title, content, three submenu buttons and a quit button.

- To understand, explore and creating functional graphic user interface with purposed for digital visual communication.
- To investigate the development of technology in creating digital media art installations.

Evaluation criteria:
- Research documentation: 10%
- Creativity, idea development and sketches of ideas: 10%
- Final Artworks: 10%

Submission Format:
01 Two printed final artworks mounted on foam boards (Your name, id, artwork description printed at the back). Template will be provided.
02 A4 Sketches (landscape format): Idea development and sketches
- Digital copy of both artworks
- Digital Research documentation
- Your Name, id, artwork description + blog links (MS word)
04 Blog

Assignment Submission: WEEK 09
Lecturer: Badrolhisham Hashim