Sunday, December 4, 2011

Stage 01- Research and Summary

The new media artists i found are John Maeda and David Em.

Summary of John Maeda
John Maeda is an artist and a computer scientist, and he views the computer not as a substitute for brush and paint but as an artistic medium  in its own right. His mission is to foster the growth of what he calls "humanist technologists". John Maeda usually work on his designs and projects on airplanes or in a coffee shop, where he can be alone and think. He would like to design things for children. He works himself, he sort of sit and stew and his time is very limited. He always try to keep changing his style. He doesn't like to be labeled as a certain style. His motto is renew.

Summary of David Em
He is one of the first artist to make art with pixels. Em's art is difficult to categorize. His work spans multiple media, including all-electronic virtual worlds, film making, photography, and printmaking. He has also worked with live performance and theater. Most of his work exists outside of the mainstream art world. He says he "makes pictures with electronic light" and "sculpts with memory instead of space." He also "evolves images so that they grow into and out of each other".

** John Maeda inspired me by he designs things for children and he keep changing his style. Yet David Em inspired me by he is one of the artist to make art with pixels.


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